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Videos in English for children

By Great Little People
February 6, 2024

The use of videos in English for children is a perfect educational tool with which they can practice a second language in a dynamic and didactic way. In this post, we're going to show you the benefits and how you can use technology to help children learn English while playing.

Benefits of educational videos

Your children were born immersed in a world where technologies have colonized our daily lives. This has meant that the little ones have adapted to this circumstance and are more predisposed to everything that comes from these utensils. Educational videos are a tool that has a lot of potential. Let's see what its benefits are:

They learn in a self-taught way and without realizing it

Children are like sponges. Everything they learn in their first years of life is without being aware that every stimulus they receive is learning.

It enhances creativity and attention

Keep in mind that video is their main information and entertainment channel (for example, drawings). Therefore, their reaction to this format is more powerful and faster.

The image motivates the understanding of non-verbal elements

In addition, it offers the possibility of moving to real, and even invented, spaces, apart from illustrating situations where they can acquire values such as empathy or promote a critical attitude.

It is an unlimited resource

It can be used as many times as you want, as it is a low-cost and easy-to-use type of instrument.

Videos en inglés- GLP

Benefits of English-language videos for children

Using videos in English encourages listening to the native language, which, together with the visual elements and the stories that are shown, makes it easier for them to understand what is happening while consolidating or acquiring knowledge in a fun way. Parent participation in the viewing of videos is essential. The greater your interest, the greater your children's motivation in the activity. From Great Little People We'll give you some Tips that will promote the learning of the little ones:

Take an active part in the reproduction of the video

Talk about the characters or make comments about what's going on. The objective is to create a dynamic conversation that more easily develops learning.

Repeat the characters' most outstanding phrases

You can also be curious about what's going on. This causes the child to reflect and assimilate concepts while having fun.

Actively watch videos

Long-term viewing of videos can be harmful to your health. We are going to turn the situation around by getting them to actively participate in the activity. For example, you can dance to the beat of the music. This is very good because at an early age physical development and language are connected, so it will make your child remember new words and expressions.

Videos en inglés para niños- GLP

Channels where you can watch videos in English for children

From Great Little People we have made a selection of some perfect YouTube channels for your children to learn English.

1. Great Little People

Recommended for children aged 1-8 years.

First of all, we couldn't not recommend our YouTube channel where our Teachers and fun characters perform stories, songs and Storytellings following the scheme of our methodology.

2. Super Simple Songs

Recommended for children from 0 to 3 years old.

They will enjoy their rhythms and dances while learning vocabulary adapted to their early ages.

3. Mother Goose Club

Recommended for children from 3 to 6 years old.

This channel, aimed at children, parents and teachers, immerses us in a colorful world through its 6 characters and songs.

See you in the next post with more topics and tips about education. See you soon!

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