I want to implement GLP in my center
At Great Little People we are dedicated to the development of a comprehensive and specialized educational method in English at an early age (from 1 to 7 years old) with the design and development of innovative physical and digital teaching materials, and training and continuous support for teachers. With the objective of generating a positive impact on the educational community, our integrated management policy is based on a commitment to quality, social responsibility, and information security, in line with the standards of ISO 9001, ISO 26001 and ISO 27001.
Our mission is to democratize resources and the learning of English so that they generate a real impact on the educational community. We believe that bilingual education from an early age is essential and we strive to provide children with the necessary tools for this.
Our vision is to be leaders in educational innovation and the teaching of English at an early age at a national and international level. We strive to bring educational excellence to every corner of the world.
● Innovation:we are constantly looking for innovative ways to improve bilingual education at an early age.
● Quality: we are committed to offering high-quality education that benefits students, schools, teachers and families.
● Collaboration:we work closely with our partner schools and teachers to achieve joint success.
● Commitment:we are committed to children's learning and development, as well as to supporting our educational partners.
We are committed to providing products and services that meet the expectations of our customers, continuously improving our processes and fostering a culture of excellence in each of our areas.
We always seek the satisfaction of our customers: schools, teachers, children and families. Our 360° approach allows us to develop a quality standard for our activities and guarantee a high level of satisfaction and loyalty.
The company is aligned with SDG 4 Quality Education, based on offering a quality proposal aligned with the main challenges identified in this SDG:
“Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, in order to ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood care and development services and pre-school education, so that they are ready for primary education.”
In addition, we align our educational project with all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) so that every month children work on a specific value of the SDGs and at the end of each course they receive a diploma in which they collect medals to become superheroes.
We are committed to a safe, healthy and fair work environment for all our employees, promoting training, personal and professional development, and equal opportunities.
We guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information we manage. Our information security policy is aimed at protecting the data of our customers, employees and partners, ensuring that we comply with current regulations and applying best practices.
We seek to continuously improve our security practices, implementing policies for data protection and ensuring that our employees are properly aware and trained in security matters and that it is a strategic objective to improve these areas by 2025.
At Great Little People, we are committed to the continuous improvement of our Integrated Management System, regularly reviewing our objectives and policies to ensure that they remain aligned with our strategic goals and the requirements of our stakeholders.
In addition, we implement a collaborative innovation process integrating our clients into the process of improving the educational product, with continuous support that allows us to identify and include new product development.
We recognize the importance of all stakeholders in our organization. We maintain constant and transparent communication with our customers, employees, suppliers, and other community actors, in order to ensure collaborative relationships that allow us to achieve our common objectives.
This policy is communicated to all members of the organization and is available to all interested parties, being reviewed periodically to ensure its appropriateness and relevance.