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Tools for teachers

By Great Little People
February 6, 2024

Class planning through educational guides and tools for teachers.

Teachers play a fundamental role in the development and growth of children, especially at an early age, the organization of classes becomes a crucial aspect to achieve effective and meaningful learning. Teachers spend considerable effort and work to design and execute sound planning for children's development, which provides children with the necessary foundations for their future.

Why is it essential to structure sound planning?

1. The personalization of learning

Careful planning allows teachers to adapt teaching activities and strategies to meet individual needs of each student and provide equitable opportunities for growth to the little ones.

2. Structuring clear and coherent objectives

Well-structured planning helps to establish clear objectives for each class, in this way, we ensure that all the concepts necessary for good learning are addressed of the students.

3.Create a logical sequence of content

Effective planning involves organizing and sequencing content in a logical and progressive manner. this allows us to acquire basic knowledge and skills before moving on to more complex subjects, thus laying solid foundations for their intellectual development.

4. Effective time management

With good planning, we ensure that each activity fits the established schedule. In this way we achieve the right balance between direct instruction time, practical activities and play opportunities, promoting holistic and balanced learning.

Separación GLP

The planning process requires constant work on the part of teachers, research, design, adaptation and continuous evaluation. At Great Little People we know first-hand the effort that this entails and we work on it to make this task easier for teachers, so that together we can ensure that the most important thing is the good learning of the students.In addition to our educational resources, we have developed guides and tools for teachers, to facilitate flexible class planning. We have a guide for each course, in which we provide an initial introduction that deals with aspects directly related to the methodology, such as the principles of educational intervention, definition of the Great Little People methodology and teaching strategies and techniques.

Each teaching program is composed of 10 teaching units, including a shorter Start Unit that allows teachers to bring students closer to the methodology during the adaptation period and nine complete units for development throughout the course. Each of these units is comprised of specific objectives, activities, specific evaluation criteria, resources and educational materials necessary for the development of the unit and sustainable development goals (SDGs).At Great Little People, we appreciate and recognize the tireless work of teachers in creating a stimulating learning environment that prepares children for a bright future. Our educational guides provide you with the support you need to always maintain your educational quality through our resources and the instructions necessary for the correct use of the Great Little People methodology, so that we reduce possible complications during the different stages of the course and we increase your availability of time so that you can enjoy your classes with peace of mind.

Do you want to know more about Great Little People?

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Do you want to know more about Great Little People?

Don't wait any longer and learn more about our innovative method for teaching English in your school! Fill out this form and download a complete dossier, get to know our methodology in detail.