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Body parts in English

By Great Little People
February 6, 2024

In this blog post, we will talk about body parts in English for children and the benefits that this has for their body and cognitive development.

The parts of the body and the first times

Body parts are one of the initial concepts we ask our children about. Who hasn't played “stealing” a child's nose or observed how their feet and hands are discovered when they are small? In general, it is one of the contents that is never lacking either at school or at home, and that gives us the most possibilities to interact with them.

Activities to work the parts of the body in English

From Great Little People we also give them importance, and of course, it is one of the transversal dynamics, which we work at various ages, and which they find the most fun. It can be done in a simple way for younger ages, and in an increasingly complex way as they get older.

From 0 to 3 years

At the stage of 0 to 3 years, we can start counting how many we have of each of them, and put on the same stickers as there are numbers: two eyes, two ears, a mouth... In addition, it's easy to relate them, because we can also make the resemblance to our own face by putting the stickers on it. [caption id="attachment_6745" align="aligncenter” width="1754"]

Partes del cuerpo en inglés para niños

1. Activity to learn body parts

3 to 5 years old

With children from 3 to 5 years old, and with a balloon and cut-outs that we can find or draw, we can review the simplest parts of the face (nose, eyes, hair, chin, mouth, ears...). In addition, we work Motricity and spatial ability. If we take variety out of each one of them, we can make thousands of combinations.

Partes del cuerpo en inglés para niños

2. Activity to learn body parts

From 5 to 7 years

A little older, from 5 to 7 years old, we can invent a die with which to play and do activities in English for children with more movement, incorporating the global body (Hands, Shoulders, Knees, Feet...). From throwing it away and being the fastest to say the name of the image, or being the first to touch the flashcards in the class. We can also put them on their own body, so that they also work on the personal image. In addition, for all the ages mentioned above, we have videos on our YouTube channel from which they can explore both parts of the body and certain everyday situations that will help them to assimilate this vocabulary and apply it to their daily lives.Body parts in English for children at the doctor and Body parts in English for children in the bathroom

Enjoying with all five senses

Taking into account that our methodology is active and experiential, there are many more routines that, even if they don't have to do with parts of the body directly, review them interactively. From the recipes we make once a month, in which we use our sense of smell, sight and touch. Even the proposals in the active corner that allow students to use their whole bodies and improve psychomotor skills. It is important that we are able to adapt to development and evolution, both globally and individually. Teaching them that self-knowledge is beneficial and should be encouraged from an early age, to get the most out of it. It will allow them, among others, to guarantee decisions in line with a healthy lifestyle, improving their self-esteem. In addition, managing to express themselves and occupy a place in society. In this way, we will be able to encourage their autonomy and independence.

Don't wait any longer, and come and discover the number one English method for children in Spain. Book your free class at more than 50 centers than Great Little People It has in the Community of Madrid, Seville and Zaragoza.

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