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The Power of Early English: How we help schools teach English to children ages 1 to 8

By Great Little People
February 6, 2024

Learning English in early childhood has proven to be beneficial for children's cognitive, social and emotional development. Schools play a fundamental role in teaching English to children, and our innovative and effective method for teaching English to children is an excellent source of educational resources in English for children ages 1 to 8. In this article, we'll explore how schools can use our approach to help effectively teach English to children at their earliest stages.

Método innovador y efectivo para enseñar inglés a niños en tu centro educativo

1. Access to educational resources in English: One of the most effective ways to teach English to children is to provide them with constant access to educational resources in English. In Great Little People, schools can find a wide variety of resources in English, such as songs, videos, games and interactive activities designed specifically for children ages 1 to 8. These resources are designed in a playful and engaging way, allowing children to learn English in a fun and entertaining way while developing their language skills.2. Adaptation to the age and level of children: Teaching English to children of different ages and levels requires pedagogical approaches adapted to their needs. Schools can find resources that are appropriate to the age and level of children. For example, there are songs and videos with simple lyrics and vocabulary for younger children, and more challenging and complex activities for older children. This allows educators to adapt the learning of English to the abilities and abilities of each child, ensuring an effective and progressive teaching process.3. Integrating English into the daily routine: For children to be able to learn English effectively, it is important that it be integrated into their daily routine. Our resources integrate English at different times of the day, such as during assembly time, playtime, story time or arts and crafts activities. The English resources available on the platform can be used as support tools to reinforce English learning in a playful and natural way in the school's daily routine.4. Encouraging active participation and play: Play and active participation are essential for children's effective learning. Our methodology encourages active participation and play. For example, animated songs and videos invite children to sing and dance, while interactive games allow them to practice new words and phrases in English in a fun and practical way. The playful approach to learning English in Great Little People helps children to maintain their concentration at all times of the session.

Do you want to know more about Great Little People?

Don't wait any longer and implement our innovative and effective method to teach English to children in your school

Fill out this form and you can download a complete dossier and get to know our methodology in detail.

Do you want to know more about Great Little People?

Don't wait any longer and learn more about our innovative method for teaching English in your school! Fill out this form and download a complete dossier, get to know our methodology in detail.